Sunday, April 25, 2021

How to Make A Reading Pillow from 3 Fat Quarters

Making a reading pillow can be fast, fun, and easy. If you have any trouble with these directions, please drop me a note. I would be glad to help.


The first step is to decide which of your 3 fat quarters will be your front, back, and pocket and then to take the time to label them. If you are anything like me, it is easy to confuse yourself with which piece is which as you are working.


Step 1: The first cut will square the fat quarter you will use as your front piece.  I take the bottom left corner and fold it up to meet the top edge of the rectangle of fabric as it lies on my cutting mat. Then I cut along the edge of the piece I just folded up removing a strip from the end. After I cut I have two pieces, one a square that is approximately 18"x18" and the other a strip approximately 18" by 4 inches. (These measurements are approximates because fat quarters can vary in size.)

Step 2: Square off and cut the fat quarter you will use for the pocket the same way you did the fat quarter for the front. Save this strip for the handle for your pillow.

Step 3: Cut the fat quarter you will use for the back in half on the long orientation.

Step 4: Cut the strip you saved for your pocket in half so it is only 9" long.

Step 5: Cut the letters or shapes you want to appliqué onto the pocket from the strip left over from squaring the fat quarter you are using for the front of the pillow.


Step 6: Arrange the items you want to appliqué onto the pocket and sew them down. I fold the pocket in half to do my layout, but open it to do my sewing. That way when the pillow is done, the back of the stitches from the appliqué will not get caught on the books as they slide into and out of the pocket.

Step 7: Sew a hem onto one edge of each of the back flaps. I fold over one inch, iron, and then turn under half of that and iron again so I have a smooth hem to sew down.

Fold over and iron one inch of each back flap.

Fold over that one inch of hem so it is smooth.
Sew the hem on each back flap.

Step 8: To make the handle, I fold the 9"x4" rectangle that from the pocket material in half the long way, right sides together and make a tube. I then turn the tube right-side out and iron it flat with the hem in the center bottom. Then I top stitch on both sides to make it stay flat. 

Bottom of the handle
Step 9: Now it is time to stack the pillow pieces. Place the front of the pillow face up on your mat. Next, place your pocket on the stack, folded in half and face up. 

Step 10: Center the handle on the top of the front piece. I find 2 inches from the center to the edge of the handle works well. As you can see from the photo, I fold the handle to it will lie flat in my stack. I also use a LOT of pins to keep everything in place.


Step 11: Lay the two back flaps, right sides down onto your stack. Be sure you have the hemmed edges toward the center of the pillow and all of the cut edges out to the sides. I square up my stack by cutting all of the edges so they are even.

Step 12: Pin the stack together and sew all sides of the square with a half-inch seam. I back up and go forward a couple of times as I pass over the handle and also the areas of where I am at the edge of the pocket and back flaps. I go completely around the square two times to be sure the seams will hold up.

Trim your corners and turn the pillow cover right side out. 

 Put your pillow form inside and enjoy! Ta-da! 

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How to Make A Reading Pillow from 3 Fat Quarters

Making a reading pillow can be fast, fun, and easy. If you have any trouble with these directions, please drop me a note. I would be glad ...